All pages

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All but one of your web pages are to be written in HTML 4



  • For first term, everything on your web pages had to be in a table
  • For second term, I am going to show you how to use floats instead!

HTML5 web page

Your website will be allowed one, single HTML5 web page
Contact me for details


ALL web page names must be in lower case only!

If you placed the following two web pages onto your website...

  • portfolio.html
  • Portfolio.html

...I would be able to tell your browser which of these two pages to show you. Your browser can tell the difference! This is confusing for website developers, website visitors and someone trying to read your code, giving me three reasons to not allow you (on anyone else) to do this


  • Web page structure must be consistently across all web pages (up to 3)
  • Images in /library (1)
  • Thumbnails in /library (1)

Per page

  • Either
  • The main page table borders must be on (1)
  • Web pages to be consistently well formatted (up to 2)
  • DOCTYPE must be correctly declared (1 or -1 if wrong type)
  • Use of thumbnails to launch images (1)


New HTML pages in NetBeans gives you a good start on meta tags

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