If you intend to use Brackets or Notepad to build your website, then you well need FileZilla for FTP
Download the correct installation file!
WARNING : Do NOT click on "Download FileZilla Client" The big green button you see here downloads a, "sponsored" version of this program ....which is going to give you advertising from other companties!
(We discussed this extensively in class!)
Look for the link that says, "Show additional download options" and you should see the Download FileZilla Client page that I want you on. If you've got Windows (64bit), you probably want the file with, "win64-setup.exe" at the end
REMEMBER TO READ : Do you see the bit that says, "The 64 bit versions of Windows 8.1 and 10 are supported". That means if you have an older version of Windows (or you're another operating system), you need to look a bit further for the right installation file.
FileZilla_3.47.2.1_win64-setup.exe is only 7.8 MB! This is small!
You can ask FileZilla to preserve timestamps of transferred files (provided the FTP server supports this)
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