LibreOffice is a free and open-source office suite, a project of The Document Foundation. (Wikipedia)
I run a host of computers!- some real, some virtual, some have tonnes of memory, others a bit less. An important aspect of my work is that I am not simply working in an average office with computes on desks. No, I work inside the Internet and use things like cloud-based computers. In a nutshell, this means that Windows in not as important to me as it might be to many others you might know
The world of the Internet
What is important to me- in the world that I am showing you- are things like Unix and Linux!- that hold the lion's share of the Internet and of what is secure on the Internet
.....meaning in turn that any software from Microsoft is of little value to me- since that software only lives in the world of Windows
If you are interested in reaching deeper into the world of how the Internet works and is constructed, be ready to relax your grip on things that you might feel comfortable with ....and start to look for tools that work better across multiple operating environments...
Such as LibreOffice
I've been using LibreOffice and it's predecessors for closer to twenty years than two years! On the machine I'm using now, I'm still on a 2017 LibreOffice that I can upgrade- for free!- to a newer version, anytime I choose! You can't do that with MS Office. With them, the next version is never free. What I am doing on Web Development is showing you new tools to think about!- and possibly put to use, depending on the environment(s) you might find yourself in in the future
LibreOffice for PowerPoint
Often clients say something like, "But I don't have PowerPoint!", and then they don't know what to do. Well, the quick answer to those of us who do not want to pay Microsoft lots of money to get PowerPoint onto our computers have upgraded instead!. We use LibreOffice all the time to prepare and present and to receive and read PowerPont presentations- as well as anything else that MS Office does. You simply don't have to pay MS for something you can get for free
LibreOffice is free
...upgraded? LibreOffice?
Yes, anything that gives me more and costs me less, I consider an upgrade! And to those who don't trust something that's free, or like to say things like, "There's no such thing as a free lunch!", let them consider this...
- Companies like Microsoft will first sell you MS Office and then charge you again if you seek their support!
- whereas organisations like The Document Foundation first give you LibreOffice (for free!) and only if-and-when you seek support from them, would they try encourage you to contribute towards that
Though, that said, they do let you know you're free to contribute towards their project, at any time, if you wish
Open source
We have moved to the open source LibreOffice which does everything that MS Office does!
Where the open source thing comes in with the free part, is that organisations like The Document Foundation basically believe that they do not need to make money out of you twice!
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